Once the application has been lodged, it will be followed up with a chat on our discord. Please send a private message to an ADMIN or RECRUITMENT OFFICER on DISCORD. Please note your application will not be accepted until you have joined our discord and talked to one of the recruitment staff. If your application is successful you will be told on discord to submit an application on the RSI site.
As a member of the MATADORS you agree to the following.

These rules apply when representing the Matadors Organization in:
- The SC Universe
- RSI Forums
- All Discord Channels
- Social Media

1. The Matadors have a zero-tolerance policy with regard to discrimination, disrespect or hate towards ANYONE on the basis of sex, race, nationality, religion or lack thereof.

2. The admittance age for the Org is 22+, applicants between 16-22 are welcome to apply and will be scrutinized harder during the probation process.

3. ALWAYS Respect staff and Instructors, listen and follow instructions during serious org operations, if a trainer deems a participant’s actions are detrimental to a training session they will be removed from the session.

4. Inter-Organizational interactions:
a. Keep chat mature and respectful, this applies to in game chat services.
b. There will be No fighting among the ranks in Discord/SC Universe/Training, we need to represent the Matadors as a unified force. If you wish to PVP internally, jump on a private match.
c. Use Common sense when interacting with the Org. Understand the difference between banter and offensive chat the org will not tolerate abusive attacks on any members
d. Media and Screenshot channels are for Star Citizen and Matadors related media discuss media related items in General Channel.

5. Members who are streamers or wish to stream org activities must adhere to these rules.
a. STREAMING LIVE or PRE-RECORDING is to be done in the STREAMING CHANNEL unless permission is given to use another channel or everyone in the channel agrees.
b. Every MEMBER you are with MUST be aware you are STREAMING or RECORDING.
c. When streaming you should not be broadcasting anyone elses voices on stream other than your own.
d. When recording before uploading all members voices should be removed other than your own.
e. If things related to the org are discussed or are unfit for public ear it should be removed or muted.
f. Important organization events or operations should not be live streamed to avoid stream sniping and other reasons that may interfere with the event.

6. All members using social media linked to the MATADORS should follow these standards:
a. Don’t imply MATADORS endorses your views, or represent yourself as a spokesperson of the MATADORS, unless you are expressly authorized to do so.
b. Take care to speak appropriately as a representative of the MATADORS.
c. Avoid actions that may compromise your reputation or the reputation of MATADORS.
d. Do not use social media in a way that compromises any person’s reasonable expectation of privacy Do not disclose any MATADORS related confidential information.

NOTE: Organization rules are subject to change without notice.

All Matadors media is the sole property of The Matadors Org, all members are prohibited from distributing any MATADORS media materials (video, voice, images and documents) outside the Organization. NOTE: (THIS INCLUDES STREAMING CERTAIN ORG ACTIVITIES) SEEK PERMISSION.